Monday, September 19, 2011


I find the Bluebird a beautiful bird. The blue of the male bird is something to behold. I am also attracted to the Bluebird because of the patience they project as they sit and watch for their next meal. Since I moved to North Carolina 10 years ago I have seen the Bluebird in my neighborhood but never in my backyard. Three years ago I started to add more mulch around my very large, old Oak tree to help keep the moisture in the ground for this beautiful specimen. To my surprise the Bluebirds showed up to sit on my back porch railings to look for food in this newly mulched area. I immediately built and put up a nesting box as it was spring and wanted the chance to have them nest in my yard. As I watched the activity over the next week many different birds were attracted to the new box. Afraid that the Bluebirds would lose out I put up a second box! That spring I was rewarded with baby Bluebirds not only in the first box but the second also! That was as I said three years ago. This last year the Bluebirds used the nest box once again and had one successful hatch. After June I did not see any Bluebirds until today, Sept 19th when 5! showed up at the nest boxes! There were 4 adult males and 1 adult female. I couldn't help but think that they returned "home" to have a look see for the spring nesting.

Although I love the Bluebirds I don't do any thing I consider unnatural to attract them. I believe nature must take its course. Having said that I do make my yard very bird friendly. I have a variety of nest boxes, 5 in all, and give a source of fresh water year round. I plant a variety of bushes, perennials and annuals that invite bugs for the birds and also provide berries and seeds.

In the very cold of the winter I will also put a little seed out for all and any bird that happens by.

Gardening is all about bringing all of nature together. We reap the reward of viewing nature in our own backyard!

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