Friday, September 1, 2017

The City Cottager starts Pot It Up 1-2-3!

The City Cottager At Market!
Oh where, oh where has the City Cottager been? I have been to the market to sell plants and things!

To the market? Yes to the market; the Raleigh flea market!

Life as we all know has many twists and turns on the road we travel. The last 7 plus years I have been working at a local garden center but that chapter in my life has ended. I love working with plants and people and have all this crazy plant information in my head so I started a very small plant business called Pot It Up 1-2-3! My first season started on April 1, 2017, yes April fools day! I love a good joke!

 I am a bit rusty with my writing but I hope now that I have dusted off my blog I will share more about life at the City Cottage and how it has changed. I have also learned how to use my Chrome book to download pictures!!! I bet it was always there, right under my finger tips and I just didn't see it. That is the way with me, stumbling around until I unearth something worthwhile.

So the journey continues!