Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tomato dreams!

Tomatoes! Oh I can not wait to see them grow once again in my yard! I just finished the last that I had put up from last summer! I had made them into sauce and froze them. They helped to add a very special flavor to the homemade soups I have been making to get me through the long cold winter days.

The tomatoes shown here are heirlooms of different varieties. I intend to be very simple with my tomatoes this summer. I want to focus on healthy, productive plants. I am researching what variety is best suited for my backyard climate. Once I decide on the varieties I will plant them in very large containers in full sun! I have some wonderful organic compost ready to fill these pots!

Oh how I yearn for spring. I miss the heat of the sun on my old bones and the exercise that digging in the soil gives me.
The journey continues!

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