I am using Jiffy Seed Starting Mix for this stage as it is light and free of disease. I will later use a light mixture of fish emulsion every other week to give the little ones the nutrients they need.
I filled the new pots with the Jiffy mix and then
soaked the pots in the sink. See picture to right.
After soaking for an hour I sprayed the top of the pots with a little more water. The center of the mixture was still dry but I watered once again after I set the seedlings.
When moving the seedlings from one container to the other be careful not to pick it up by the stem. It is very easy to crush the fragile stem and
not know it! Use the cotyledon leaves to pick up the seedling as you dig it out with a fork or such instrument. Have the new pot ready for the seedling with a hole that is deep and wide. You will be surprised how long the root system is on your little seedling.
Once all are potted up place once again under the grow lights. Be careful how much you water at this stage, it is very easy to over water the little ones! Once or twice a week is probably enough. I will do the fish emulsion fertilizer every other week until I move them into the ground.
The journey is good!