Bottom wire completed Dec. 25, 2012
The bottom wire of the backyard chicken run was completed on Christmas morning. It was a beautiful day and I had some time before I went to family for dinner. This part of the project was challenging but I am confident that it will be secure. I am not so confident about the upper portion. I was not careful and picked up 2" x 5' x 50' chicken wire. I really needed 1"! The holes are very large and the wire a bit flimsy. I didn't realize my error until I had unrolled the wire and it was too late to return it.
I finished the frame for the chicken run today and started to install the chicken wire. I will use this wire and at a later date I will add a heavier layer over the bottom section. I am disappointed I didn't look closely at the size but it will be fine, just a little more work later. I am excited that the coop and run are just about finished but I am also a little sad that the building part is coming to an end as I have really enjoyed the mental and physical challenges of this project. It is far from perfect but I feel satisfied that it will stand up to the elements and provide a good home for the "girls".
Speaking of the "girls" I have made contact with a local (small) farm that may provide me with the hens I am looking for. I plan to visit in the next week or so to perhaps place my order for 2 day old chicks. You may check out the farm at . I know that I would like one of the breeds they carry, that being Ameraucana, I need to research the others. The journey continues!